Dear Aunty Dee

Created by Kate 3 years ago
Dear Aunty Dee,

When thinking of you some of my most treasured memories are those of the many Christmases in Guildford. 

Christmas was always brilliant, every year it was so exciting getting ready to go and stay with you. You were the best host. Funny, bubbly, generous, a great story teller and just beautiful. So many fantastic family dinners around a table full of amazing food and drink made by you. I remember sneaking downstairs way past my bedtime late one Christmas night and seeing you all dancing around the living room; instead of being told off I was welcomed and I danced with you. 

I was also very lucky to spend time with you in Annecy. I will remember playing and swimming in the lake with you and the long walks with all the dogs. I remember you going on your bike rides and hikes and being so inspiring. You were so adventurous and sporty - so very cool. 

Talking of cool, all my most stylish and pretty clothes in my 20’s were given to me by you, I’d joke and say I was getting clothes from Dee’s Boutique again. You were so very glamorous and dressed way better than me! 

When grandma died I remember you hugging me so tight at her funeral outside of the church as she was carried out. 

Lastly, just a couple of years ago you gave me some great advice that I will always cherish - my life is truly the better for it.

Thank you Aunty Dee. I love you and will miss you very much. You will forever be a role model to me.

Love Kate xxx